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“In 2022, commitments were strengthened with a new Plan which, without prejudice to the direction announced in 2020, sets new and more extensive measurable targets consistent with the Business Plan”

Un engagement tourné vers l’avenir

The principle of sustainability has historically guided Gefran’s development and operational management, allowing the Group to grow steadily and gain strength over the years. In 2020, Gefran formalised its sustainability strategy for the first time, inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, accompanying it with a commitment plan consisting of 4 projects.

In 2022, commitments were strengthened with a new Plan which, without prejudice to the strategy announced in 2020, sets measurable targets consistent with the Business Plan. The 2022 Sustainability Strategic Plan is an integral part of the Group’s
business model and its day-to-day activities: Gefran intends to be an interpreter of sustainable growth, attentive to the expectations of the market, people and companies with which it works, in the areas where it operates.
The four projects envisaged in the 2020 plan, which have already achieved some of the objectives (on the employee evaluation system, on the promotion of a sustainability culture along the supply chain, in obtaining new certifications and in developing sustainable product solutions), have been integrated into the new strategic plan.

Assurer l’accès de tous à des systèmes énergétiques abordables, fiables, durables et modernes

Stimuler une croissance économique durable, inclusive et durable, le plein emploi productif et un travail décent pour tous

Construire une infrastructure résiliente et promouvoir l’innovation et une industrialisation équitable, responsable et durable

Assurer des modes de production et de consommation durables

Prendre des mesures urgentes pour lutter contre le changement climatique et ses conséquences.

Renforcer les moyens de mise en œuvre du développement durable et renouveler son partenariat mondial

Le Comité du développement durable

La valeur stratégique de la durabilité pour Gefran est démontrée par une série de choix de gouvernance que notre Groupe a formellement mis en œuvre, conformément à cette vision

Plus de détails

Ressources disponibles

Strategic sustainability plan 2020

.pdf2.02 MB

Sustainability strategic plan 2020 - update november 2021

.pdf4.15 MB

Gefran Group - 2022 Sustainability Report Consolidated Non-Financial Statement at 31 December 2022 pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016

.pdf4.46 MB

Gefran Group - 2023 Sustainability Report Consolidated Non-Financial Statement at 31 December 2023 pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016

.pdf17.94 MB