
Les économies d’énergie sont principalement issues d’installations électriques à hautes performances

The solution

Energy saving stems primarily from high-performance electrical plants. Our building automation technology guarantees:

  • a precise and better control of the company’s utilities
  • processes’ quality optimization
  • energy consumption and costs reduction

Elettropiemme offers your company two ideal solutions for energy monitoring and management:

  • real time desk
  • real time mobile

Real Time Desk

Integrated supervision and monitoring systems for: illumination – automatism – air conditioning/temperature control – consumption – industrial processes communication.

With one click on your computer you can learn the status of both activities and consumption.

Real Time Mobile

Integrated supervision and monitoring systems for: illumination – automatism – air conditioning/temperature control – consumption – industrial processes communication. With a simple app on your smartphone you can learn the status of both activities and consumption.

Focus on

Contenus liés

Tout afficher
Fours electriques

OMAV relies on Gefran’s expertise: a partnership of excellence in the aluminium extrusion

Matières plastiques

Gefran and Frigosystem partnership for technical excellence in industrial processes thermoregulation

Matières plastiques

Gefran and Bausano: tailored solutions in the name of applicational flexibility and efficiency

Hydraulique mobile

Multitel Pagliero chooses Gefran to increase the safety of work at height

Hydraulique mobile

A unique business partnership makes operators safer


Faccin – Calandre


SAG – Profileuses à froid

Fours electriques

Linn – Solution intelligente configurable pour les fours à induction de laboratoire

Fours electriques

Isoclima (B.H.T.) – Verre hautes performances

Matières plastiques

Gefran et Macchi

Matières plastiques

ICMA San Giorgio

Matières plastiques

Frigosystem – Des compétences partagées pour une solution intégrée

Matières plastiques

Plastic Metal – Fabrication de presses à injection pour l’estampage de matériaux thermoplastiques



+39 0461 991935

+39 0461 991936



Via Linz, 137 38121 Trento – Italia